Golden Lion for Best Horror Film
"The Dark Side"-directed by Alexander Gazsi Grey, USA
Ghost castle-directed by Martin Bell Nes, Spain
The misty forest-directed by Prince François, Count of Clermont François Duval, France
The Moonlight-directed by Liliane English surname, UK
Best Thriller Screenplay
John Smith-"Silent Scream"
Maria Cristian Rodríguez-escape the room
David Harvey-"The edge of Nightmare"
Emily Watson-under the Shadow
Best Horror Director
Alexander Gazsi Grey-"The dark side of the night"
Isa Martin Bell NES-"Ghost Castle"
Andrea Takovski (fiction)-dance of Death
Markus Dunster-the Eye of the Abyss
Best Horror Performance (male and female)
Best Actor
Tomas Hardy-silent Scream
Juan Carlos Pérez López Belmonte-the Chamber of Secrets
Nicolas Cage (fiction)-"The ring:
Aidan Turner-"Under the shadow"
Best Actress
Allison Wilhemlms-the invasion of the night
Sofia bordora-the ghost's Kiss
Isabelle Huppert (fiction)-The Abyss
Emilia Clarke-"Dream in blood"
Best Original Horror Music Award
Hans Zimmer (fictional collaboration)-"The dark side of the night"
By Cristóbal young-theme song from Ghost Castle
Bernardot bondoche-soundtrack to "Misty Forest"
Emily English surname-music for Moonlight
Best Visual Effect Award
The night invasion special effects team
Ghost Castle Visual Effects Studio
Edge of Nightmare CGI team
Eye of the Abyss, Visual Arts Department
Most Creative Horror Concept Award
Reverse the fear-directed by Lucas Guerin, Canada
The Cardiff Rift-written by Emily HMS Roberts, Australia
The faceless-concept designer: Alexander Gazsi Wouk, Germany
Cage of souls-creative team: Shadow Studios, Mexico
Audience Choice Awards
Midnight rave-directed by Leah Johnson, UK
Misty town-all crew, USA
Ghost train-audience vote, France
Carnival in blood-hit movie, Brazil
Best Horror Short Film
The last door-directed by Sophia Lopez, Chile
Elevator of horrors-screenplay Director: Alex Cristian Rodríguez, Argentina
Whispers of the night-produced by Amelia Santosse