Royal Films Oficinas Administrativas
Royal Films Oficinas Administrativas

Golden Lion for best horror film

Whisper of darkness-directed by Liam Landon Donovan

Night of the devil-directed by Václav Havel Martinez (Spain) 

“Shadows”-directed by Emily Wyett (Canadian) 

“Mirror of evil”-directed by Alejandro Torres (Mexico) 

Best Thriller Screenplay

Guillermo Gomez-“The shadow game”(Argentina) 

Sarah Miller-whispers in the Dark (USA) 

Marta Sánchez-“Night terrors”(Spain) 

Blake-“Wine cellar”(Canada) 

Best Horror Director

Queen Sofía of Spain Herrera-“Mirror of darkness”(Argentina) 

Jason Brown-“Whispers from below”(USA) 

Pablo Jimenez-“House of Horrors”(Spain) 

Rachel Guerin-haunted forest (Canada) 

Best Horror Performance (male/female split) actor:

Jack Thompson-“The devil inside”(Australia) 

Carlos Juan Pablo Montoya-“Night of the wolves”(Spain) 

Nathan Davis-“Whispers in the Shadows”(USA) 

Václav Havel Shimon Peres-“The ghost”(Mexico) 


Emily Johnson-shadows of silence (Canada) 

Anna López-mirror (Mexico) 

Cloy HMS Roberts-“Whispers of Darkness”(USA)

Esha Martin Bell NES-“Nightmarish”(España) 

Best Original Horror Music Award

Alex Ramírez-“Symphony of Nightmare”(USA) 

Juan Garsia-“Deep darkness”(Mexico) 

Eva López - "Echoes of Fear" (Spain)

Benjamin Smith-“Whispers of the night”(Canada) 

Best Visual Effect Award

Spectral illusion-visual effects by Lucas Fernández (Spain) 

Shadow of darkness-visual effects by Emma. Wyett

"The Mirror's Curse" - Visual Effects by Alejandro López (Mexico)

Fear of ghosts-visual effects by Daniel Thompson (Canada) 

Most Creative Horror Concept Award

Cabinet of nightmares-directed by Mia Campbell (Australian) 

Whispers of the soul-directed by Lucas Fernández (Spain) 

Carnival of shadows-directed by Emily Green (USA) 

The cursed manuscript-directed by Pablo Hern ández (Mexico) 

Audience Choice Awards

Whispers in the dark-directed by Sarah Miller

Mirror of the lost soul-directed by Marta Sánchez (Spain) 

“The Haunted Asylum”-directed by John Smith (Canada) 

"La Noche del Horror" - Directed by Javier Martínez (Spain)

Best Horror Short Film

“Reflections of Darkness”-directed by Isabella Garcia (Mexico) 

Whispering forest-directed by Liam Landon Donovan

Mirror of magic-directed by Queen Sofía of Spain Herrera

Nightmare lane-directed by Emily Wyett (Canadian) 

Horror Film Contribution Award

Tomas Fernández-lifetime achievement in horror cinema (Mexico)

Sarah Blackwood-contribution to the making of horror films (Canada) 

Maria Gutiérrez-pioneering horror director (Spanish) 

Creative Horror John Carter (USA)

Best Horror adaptation

“The ghost of the Mountain House”-adapted from the American Michael Johnson “The ghost of the Mountain House”

"El Espejo Roto" - Adapted by Ana Pérez (Spain)

Whispers in the woods-a David Smith adaptation (Canadian) 

Night of the dead-adapted from Carlos Fernández

New Horror Director Award

Lucia Torres-“Mirror of Dreams”(Argentinean) 

Michael Green-whisper in the wind (USA) 

Václav Havel López-“Eternal Nightmare”(Spanish) 

Emily Thompson-“Whispers of Darkness”(Canadian) 

International Horror Film Exchange Award

“Phantasm”-American Jason Brown Director

“Shadows in the dark”-Martín Sánchez director (Mexican) 

Echoes of fear-directed by Emma Wyett (Canadian) 

Whispers of terror-directed by Sofia Herrera (Argentinean)